Teaching and Learning Handbook (A Best Practice Guide)

The Whole Brain Model

The Whole Brain Model was developed as the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument. It was developed for use with adults in business and is therefore more suited to literate adults than younger learners and, as such, could be quite useful for our students. It takes the concept of the right/left brain hemispheres and identifies four learning styles. Like VAK this model emphasises that all styles should be developed by an individual, although there are likely to be strong preferences.

Left Brain – Logic

Students with this preference like to acquire and quantify facts, analyse, think through ideas and form theories.

Teaching Activities:

  • Formal lectures
  • Analysing data
  • Using case studies
  • Worksheets
  • Tests 

Right Brain – Innovation

Students with this preference like to take initiative, use intuition, construct concepts and synthesise content.

Teaching Activities:

  • Practical tasks
  • Make posters / Leaflets
  • Experiments / Problem-solving
  • Open questions / Creative thinking
  • Research project 

Left Brain – Organisation

Students with this preference like to organise and structure information, make sequences and practice activities.

Teaching Activities:

  • Taking notes / Summarising
  • Recipe-type exercises
  • Making time-lines / Lists
  • Essay-planning / Mind-mapping
  • Formal lectures 

Right Brain – Humanitarian

Students with this preference like to share ideas, work with others, relate experiences to learning and be active.

Teaching Activities:

  • Discussions
  • Group work
  • Experiential activities
  • Physical activities
  • Musical activities  


The benefit of the model is in encouraging a range of teaching strategies that will appeal to 'left and right brain' learners.