Teaching and Learning Handbook (A Best Practice Guide)
Resourced-based Learning
Already Using Moodle?
If you are currently using Moodle it is worth considering ways to develop its role in your teaching. Consider the quality of your existing course by asking the following questions:
1. Is your course structured in the most useful way (would it be better by week or topic)?
2. What do your students think of the materials/course?
3. Are there materials on the course that are not used?
4. Have you created any digital resources that are not uploaded?
5. What new materials would improve the course?
6. Where could you find existing materials that could be used in your course?
7. Could you use more features of Moodle (such as the forum, journal or assignment)?
8. How do you use Moodle during classroom teaching?
The term Resource-Based Learning is used of teaching and learning activities where a student works with a collection of resources to gain new knowledge or skills. It is often found in the context of distance learning, but can also be used to support other classroom-based teaching methods. Most activities will now use digital resources and can exploit our students’ familiarity with IT.
Among the benefits of research-based learning is the high level of involvement for the student, as they control the project. It also enables them to develop important study skills like planning, organisation, critical thinking and presentation. To use resource-based activities effectively we need to plan in detail and consider the following issues:
The nature of the task.
The amount of guidance the students will be given.
Strategies to differentiate the activity.
The resources to be used.
How the students can access the resources.
Monitoring of student progress on the project.
Support to be given during task.