Understand, use and interpret flowcharts, including:

  • flowchart symbols as described in the British Computer Society’s BCS Glossary of Computing and ICT (ISBN 978-1-906124-00-7, or subsequent editions), including terminators, connectors, processes and decision boxes
  • the purpose of simple processes represented in flowchart diagrams (decision making, finding largest/smallest number in a sequence, rates of discount/interest/payments)
  • inputs and/or outputs from simple processes represented in flowchart diagrams, including currency conversions, converting marks to grades, calculating wages including overtime payments
  • completion of flowchart diagrams with any missing decision statements and decision outcomes.

Recognise and understand:

  • the terms used in a computer programs, specifically: declaration, input, output, assignment, variables (local and global) and constants, sub-routines, scope of variables
  • the need to annotate code to allow for maintenance
  • the use of data types, including character, string, integer, real and Boolean
  • the use of data structures, including records and simple arrays.
最後修改: 2023年 10月 23日(週一) 17:45