Operating systems and applications

Understand the concepts, functions, and implications of operating systems, including:

  • the role of an operating system in terms of file management, hardware management (drivers), resource allocation and security
  • the role of utility applications, including disk defragmenters, firewalls and anti-virus software
  • the differences between graphical user interfaces and command-line user interfaces
  • the features of an operating system with a graphical user interface, including user interface, accessibility and ease of use
  • the features and benefits of operating systems for mobile devices, including user interface, accessibility and ease of use
  • the role of productivity applications, including office software, graphics, multimedia and web-authoring software
  • the benefits of using suites of productivity applications
  • the factors to consider when installing or upgrading an operating system or productivity application:
    • hardware platform
    • accessibility features
    • compatibility with preferred applications and hardware
    • cost (licence, set-up, training, maintenance)
    • speed
    • security features (including firewalls, malware management, setting user permissions, user support).
最后修改: 2023年11月8日 星期三 10:37