Unit Introduction

  • This unit is externally assessed using an onscreen test.
  • Pearson sets and marks the test - the number of marks for this exam is 50.
  • The assessment must be taken by the learner under examination conditions.
  • The external assessment will be 1 hour.

Technology systems are involved in many of the objects we use every day, from  a laptop computer and routers relaying internet traffic, to logging in to a social networking site. This unit provides a first look at how the main building blocks of technology systems work.

You will explore the common hardware components of technology systems, such as  a touch screen or a printer, and the internal building blocks of a computer like the processor, buses and memory. The unit also covers the purpose of networks, which allow different devices within a technology system to communicate.

No technology system is complete without the software that brings it to life. You will explore different types of software. These will include the operating system (OS) that supports the communication and management of resources, and utility programs that provide functionality to maintain the system.

You will also learn about the role of applications software, such as office programs, graphics packages, accounting software and CAD/CAM, that supports many aspects of everyday business life.

最后修改: 2023年09月13日 星期三 11:41