Course banner for unit IT12

Welcome to unit IT12 Creating a Digital Animated Graphic

In this section you will find the unit specification and teaching materials that will help you to complete this unit. As the World Wide Web is one of the best place to learn how to build digital animation, some of these resources will be online. At the end of the course you will be asked to give your views - so please answer the "What's the verdict?" section. Your opinions and ideas will help us improve this course for the future.

You work should be uploaded to the relevant points by the date given and feedback will then be provided on that work. It is essential that you stick to the deadlines for uploading work.

Unit learning aims

A: Manage information when planning a digital animated graphic for a specific purpose

B: Use software tools to create a digital animated graphic for a specific purpose

Teaching Staff

Subject tutor: Andrew Green ND005 -

Course coordinator: Sue Kerslake ND005 -