The NCFE Level 2 Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services qualification is designed to provide informed and prepared potential recruits for the Uniformed Services, defined as the Army, Navy, RAF, Police, Fire and Prison Service. 

It will enable learners to prepare to make a recruitment application or provide a basis for further study and progression towards the entry qualification of a specific service. 

This qualification will

 • focus on the study of the uniformed services 

• offer breadth and depth of study, incorporating a key core of knowledge 

 • provide opportunities to acquire a number of practical and technical skills. 

The objectives of this qualification are to provide learners with: 

• an understanding of the uniformed public services sector 

• the opportunity to investigate career opportunities in the uniformed services 

• the opportunity to investigate volunteering roles and the transferable workplace skills volunteering can provide • the ability to prepare for a recruitment interview 

• an understanding of the personal commitment and fitness requirements needed to be employed in a uniformed service role 

• an understanding of the importance of health and hygiene for those in uniformed service roles 

• the opportunity to understand and develop the skills and qualities needed to work in a range of uniformed services, eg team work, communication, problem solving, navigation and drill.