AS Maths & Science Tutorial (Neath)
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Autumn Term
Week 1 - 6 Induction
Week 7 -8 ILP Completion
Week 9 - 11 Career Planning
Week 12 Work Related Education
Week 13 Enterprise
After Christmas
Week 14 -15 ILP Review and Target Setting
Week 16 - 17 Sustainability (Samantha Oxley)
Week 18 - 19 Citizenship (Lisa Jenkins)
Health and emotional well being (Allison Constantine)
Week 20 Drugs
Health and emotional well being (Kiera Lee)
Week 22 Alcohol
Diversity:Moral and Spiritual development (Sarah Foster)
Week 23 - 25
Summer Term
Week 26 - 27 Final ILP review to be completed
Week 28 - 29 Preparing for exam success (Debby Davidson)
Week 30 - 31
Employment / Training Opportunities (Phil Jones)
Preparation of Curriculum Vitae
Week 32 - 35 Preparation for lifelong learning/employment/careers
Research higher education options
Liase with career/training/employment advisors