The aim of the Application of Number standards is to encourage candidates to develop and demonstrate their skills in using number to tackle a task, activity or problem by collecting and interpreting information involving numbers, carrying out calculations, interpreting results and presenting findings.
The aim of the Communication standards is to encourage candidates to develop and demonstrate their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills for different purposes.
The aim of the ICT standards is to encourage candidates to develop and demonstrate their skills in using ICT to carry out a task or activity by finding, exploring, exchanging, developing and presenting information.
Nod y safonau Cymhwyso Rhif yw annog ymgeiswyr i ddatblygu ac arddangos eu sgiliau o safbwynt defnyddio rhif i fynd i’r afael â thasg, gweithgaredd neu broblem trwy gasglu a dehongli gwybodaeth yn ymwneud â rhifau, gwneud cyfrifiadau, dehongli canlyniadau a chyflwyno canfyddiadau.
Nod y safonau TGCh yw annog ymgeiswyr i ddatblygu ac arddangos eu sgiliau o safbwynt defnyddio TGCh i gyflawni tasg neu weithgaredd trwy ddarganfod, archwilio, cyfnewid, datblygu a chyflwyno gwybodaeth.