
Welcome to the NPTC INSPiRED Careers Education and Guidance Programme!

It uses a research-proven framework, model, and toolkit to help you understand who you are, what unique talents you have, what matters to you, and what contribution/difference you want to make through the work you do so you can create and manage a fulfilling career doing meaningful work you love throughout the course of your working life.

The course is a nine-part programme which cover the following units, each containing three to five individual but connected learning elements:

  1. Identity: programme overview, exploration of personality, understanding key life events
  2. Needs and Wants: identifying values and drivers
  3. Strengths, talents, and skills: a look at character traits, individual abilities and skills for now and industry 4.0
  4. Passion and Interests: understanding the role of passion in career success, the role of curiosity and inspiring stories including entrepreneurs; a look at the world of work and how to find opportunities
  5. Impact and contribution: why this matters, and how to discover yours through finding problems you want to solve, a look at UN SDGs as a lens to find something stimulating and rewarding; job search strategies
  6. Relationships: team role theory and how to work effectively with others
  7. Environments: exploring places of work, appropriate behaviour, and personal productivity
  8. Direction and goal setting: understanding different types of decision making, vision boarding, how to set goals effectively and techniques and strategies to keep on track
  9. Telling your story (2 parts over 2 weeks): looks at how to make the shortlist and be effective at interview using the materials you have identified and created over the previous eight weeks.
自助选课 (Student)
自助选课 (Student)