Teaching and Learning Handbook (A Best Practice Guide)
Teaching and Learning Handbook (A Best Practice Guide)
Assessment Policy
Each subject area should have an assessment policy that can be shared with students. The policy should give clear guidance to elements of formal assessment, especially summative assessment that will lead to an outcome. It should also give examples of the type of formative assessment that is used on the course. The constraints of the awarding body should be maintained at all times. A policy could contain some of the following elements:
Summative assessment
- Dates for submission of coursework
- Rules on submission of draft work
- Deadlines for assignment work
- Penalties for late or non-submission of coursework/assignment work
- Details of examinations
- Links to specifications
- Guidance on required presentation style for formal work
Formative assessment
- Examples of the types of formative assessment used
- Reasons for using formative assessment
- Type and regularity of coursework
- Timescale for return of coursework
- Penalties for late or non-submission of coursework
- Links to any online examples of formative assessments