Teaching and Learning Handbook (A Best Practice Guide)
Teaching and Learning Handbook (A Best Practice Guide)
The most significant development in ILT at the Coleg Powys has been the creation of our virtual learning environment (VLE), which uses Moodle. We can use it in a number of ways in our teaching. Some of us use it as a place to keep all our digital resources, while others use it to manage all aspects of our courses. Depending on your current utilisation consider one of the following sections:
New to Moodle
If you do not have a course on Moodle you should be confident that establishing one is straightforward. There is a lot of support available to get you started and you will find it is easy to begin, irrespective of your experience of IT. Have a look at some of the courses currently available and speak to colleagues who are using it to give you ideas. Before setting up a course it is recommended that you consider the following points.
Before you request a Moodle course:
1. Identify a course that you have prepared resources for, and for which many of your resources are saved electronically.
2. Identify a suitable Unit or Module to start your Moodle area.
3. List in teaching order the topics to be covered.
4. Identify relevant material for this unit/module which are in electronic versions (Word, PowerPoint, Websites etc)
5. Gather the material together.
6. Identify topics for which material is needed.
7. Make or find any additional, appropriate electronic material. This will be an ongoing process and can be divided up between staff who teach on the same course.
Once you have set up a course on Moodle it will take time to build it up to become a significant part of your teaching. Remember, you do not need to put your entire course online before using it.