Friday, 20 September 2024, 6:54 PM
Site: Grŵp NPTC Group Moodle
Course: Staff: Moodle Help Page (staff moodle help)
Glossary: A-Z Moodle Help!

Course Description


How do I edit the course descriptions in the list of my courses on the Moodle dashboard?

To edit the course description, open the course then click on edit settings (in the Administration Block Menu) and scroll down to Description. Make any changes you need to in the Description box then scroll down and click on Save and Display.

Course Format


How do I change the way my course is displayed?

In the course, click on edit settings.

Scroll down to course format.

Click on the format drop down menu.

Select the format you would like. (Popular formats are collapsed topics and grid format*)

Scroll down and click save and display.

*Grid format displays your course as a series of box icons which the students then click on to navigate to different parts of your course.

Course Sharing

There are other staff enrolled as teachers on my courses and they have added course notes etc to my page - how do I add my own seperate content?


Different departments use different strategies for course sharing issues. You will need to seek advice from the Teaching & Learning Senior Lecturer for your department regarding this matter.

Course title

The title of my course is wrong - how can I change it?

To change a course title go to Administration then click on edit settings.  Enter the new name for your course in the Course Full Name box AND the Course Short Name box (we recommend copying and pasting one to the other) then scroll down and save changes.


Documents - uploading

How do I upload a document to my Moodle page?


The Easy Way!

  1. Open your course page in moodle and turn editing on.
  2. Press windows and E on your keyboard to open up your files area. (or open via the start menu)
  3. Navigate to the file you want to upload.
  4. Click on the file then hold down the mouse button and drag across to your moodle page. 
  5. Let go of the mouse button and choose the format for the file to be added to the page  e.g. "Create file resource"
  6. Click upload
  7. The file will now be uploaded to your moodle page.

The Long Way ...


  1. In your course page, turn editing on.
  2. Click on add an activity or resource.
  3. Choose the file option from the list of activities and resources displayed.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Give the file a name.
  6. In the select files area, click on the add icon 
  7. Click upload a file, then click choose file.
  8. Select your file from your computer / memory stick.
  9. Click open.
  10. Click upload this file.
  11. Click save and return to course.

Enrol - self enrol

How can students self-enrol on my course?

To self-enrol on a course, students can:

1. Click on All Courses from the Moodle homepage and browse the available courses to find the course they need, then click on the course title and click on "enrol me".

2. Type the name of the course into the search box on the All Courses page to find the course they need then click on the course title and click on "enrol me".

Enrol a Student

How do I enrol a student on my course?


To enrol a student onto a course:


In the Administration box click on users > enrolled users > enrol users.

Enter the name of the student in the search box - you may need to try different search options e.g. first name or surname only (depending on how unique they are!) - moodle will only return exact search results so if the student has a middle name which you have not entered the search will return no results.

If, after trying these different options the search still returns no results please contact the ILT Team for

Enrolment Key

My students have found my course but they are not able to enrol on it?

Some courses may have the group enrolment key option activated.

To change this setting, go to the course Administration box then click on users > enrolment methods. 

In the edit column, click on the cog wheel to the right of Self enrolment (Student) then change the group enrolment key option from Yes to No and scroll down to save changes.

Enrolment Key - add / edit

How do I add/edit the enrolment key for my course?

To edit/delete the enrolment key/password on a course:

Go to the Administration box on the course page, then click users > enrolment methods.

Click on the cog settings wheel to the right of self enrolment (student). You can now change the enrolment key and scroll down to save the changes.



How do I organise my courses into a list of Favourites?


Click on "My Courses"

To the left of the course, you will see a slightly hidden "star" icon.

Click on the star icon next to the course you want as a favourite.

Use the Tabs at the top of the course list to switch between your favourites and the rest of your courses.

To remove a course from your favourites list, simply click on the star icon to the left of the course again.

The course will then be moved back into your main list of Courses.