Saturday, 8 February 2025, 6:02 AM
Site: Grŵp NPTC Group Moodle
Course: Staff: Moodle Help Page (staff moodle help)
Glossary: A-Z Moodle Help!



How do I add a Glossary?


In your course, turn editing on.

Click on Add an Activity or Resource.

Choose Glossary.

Click Add.

Give your Glossary a name and a description if required.

Click Save and Display to start editing your Glossary and adding items.

Click Add new entry to add an item to the Glossary.


Glossaries have many uses, such as

  • A collaborative bank of key terms
  • A ‘getting to know you’ space where new students add their name and personal details
  • A ‘handy tips’ resource of best practice in a practical subject
  • A sharing area of useful videos, images or sound files
  • A revision resource of facts to remember




How do I create student groups in my moodle course?


  1. In your course, click on users
  2. Click on groups
  3. Click create group
  4. Give the group a name e.g. 1st years
  5. Click save changes
  6. Click Add/Remove users
  7. Select the user you want to add to the group and repeat until you have added all users to the group
  8. Return to your course page and click on Edit Settings
  9. Scroll down to Groups and change the Group Mode to Separate Groups
  10. Click Save and Display


You will now be able to view grade results for separate groups of students.

 To view the results:

  1. Click on Gradebook Setup
  2. Click Grader Report
  3. Choose the group you would like to view.