(Scroll down for the English)

Diolch yn fawr iawn i’r holl fyfyrwyr a gwblhaodd yr Arolwg Sefydlu ar Moodle.

Beth sy’n digwydd nesa’?

Awn at i gasglu canlyniadau’r arolwg ynghyd â’ch sylwadau er mwyn ymateb i’r materion sydd o bwys i chi.  Bydd y cynllun gweithredu wedyn yn dod yn rhestr wirio i fonitro ein cynnydd ‘Dywedoch chi - Gwnaethon ni’

Mae llawer o broblemau a phryderon eisoes yn cael eu datrys gan reolwyr y coleg.

Yn ystod y misoedd nesaf, bydd rheolwyr a Llywodraethwyr y Coleg yn ymweld â champysau i gyflawni teithiau dysgu.

Mae taith ddysgu yn gyfle i reolwyr gwrdd, ystyried a thrafod agweddau penodol - da a drwg, gyda grwpiau bach o fyfyrwyr am 10-15 munud.

Bydd canlyniadau’r sgyrsiau hyn yn ein galluogi i fesuro’r effaith a’r newidiadau cadarnhaol a welir gobeithio.  Bydd y teithiau yn ein galluogi i sylwi ar eich syniadau ac adnabod yr hyn sydd eisiau ei wneud i wella’ch profiad fel myfyriwr yng Ngrŵp o Golegau NPTC.


A big thank you to all students who took part in the Moodle Student Induction Survey.

What happens next?

The results and comments of the survey are currently being collated so we can begin to action the issues that are important to you. The action plan will then become a checklist of how we are progressing ‘You said – We did’

Already many problems and concerns have been and are being addressed by college managers.

During the next couple of months, managers and the College Governors will be visiting campuses and undertaking learning walks.

A learning walk is an opportunity for individual managers to meet, focus and discuss specific aspects – good or bad with small groups of students for around 10-15 minutes.

The results of these discussions will allow us to measure the impact and hopefully the positive changes are taking place. They will enable us to take on board your ideas and identify what else we need to do to improve your student experience at NPTC Group of Colleges.

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: Dydd Gwener, 4 Tachwedd 2016, 8:56 AM