Mae Undeb y Myfyrwyr eisiau cael 2 gynrychiolydd myfyrwyr o bob campws yn eu lle erbyn dydd Gwener 26 Ionawr.  Bydd gofyn i chi dreulio ychydig o’ch amser wrth rannu barnau’r myfyrwyr a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau’r Undeb.  Os oes gennych ddiddordeb ac os hoffech wybod mwy, cysylltwch â:

Mae croeso i’n holl fyfyrwyr gymryd rhan ac mae Undeb y Myfyrwyr wrthi’n cynllunio gweithgaredd adeiladu tîm cyffrous i’w gynnal ym mis Chwefror.


The Student Union wants to get 2 student representatives from each Campus on board by Friday 26th January. You will need to give up some time to share student views and take part in the Union activities. If you are interested and want to learn more please contact

All students are welcome to take part and the Student Union are planning an exciting team building activity for February.

最後修改: 2018年 01月 9日(週二) 14:36