Due to adverse weather, BRECON College is closed today (Friday 1st February). All other sites are open. 

You may be aware that snow/inclement weather is forecast and it may affect some or all of Neath Port Talbot/Powys. All efforts will be made to ensure that the College is able to provide its normal service. Therefore, you should make all efforts to come into the College, provided that this does not put you in a position that may cause harm to yourself or others. The College is therefore likely to continue as normal. Should this not be the case, then we will keep you updated using the following media:

* BBC Wales

* Neath Port Talbot / Powys County Council Website

* Personal responses at reception (where possible) / Automated phone message

* Internet and Intranet sites

* Social Media (Twitter / Facebook)

* Moodle

Please ensure you report any absences as per usual on the College absence recording line (01639 648640).

If there is no update on the website, please assume that College services are being provided as normal.

Efallai eich bod yn ymwybodol bod yna bosibilrwydd o eira/tywydd garw a allai effeithio ar rhai ardaloedd/pob ardal yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot/Powys. Awn ati i wneud pob ymdrech i sicrhau bod y Coleg yn gallu darparu ein gwasanaethau arferol. Felly, dylech wneud pob ymdrech i ddod i mewn i’r Coleg, ar yr amod nad oes risg o fod mewn sefyllfa a allai beri niwed i chi neu bobl eraill. Os nad yw hynny’n bosibl, fe fyddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi drwy ddefnyddio’r cyfryngau canlynol:

* BBC Cymru

* Gwefan Cyngor Castell- Port Talbot / Powys

* Atebion personol yn y derbynfeydd (os bosib) / Neges ffôn awtomatig

* Y Rhyngrwyd a’r Fewnrwyd

* Y Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol (Twitter / Facebook)

* Moodle

Sicrhewch eich bod yn cofnodi unrhyw absenoldebau fel arfer ar linell cofnodi absenoldebau’r Coleg (01639 648640).

Os nad oes unrhyw ddiweddariadau ar y wefan, dylech gymryd bod gwasanaethau arferol y Coleg ar gael.

最後修改: 2019年 02月 1日(週五) 07:28