Suitable volunteers are sought to help provide friendly expertise in the fields of catering, carpentry, glass work and bicycle repair to people with learning difficulties in Bspoked. 

“Bspoked Enterprises is an employment and training service for adults with pan-disabilities. Bspoked focuses on what each individual is interested in and what they’d like to achieve from the service. Everyone is given the opportunity to be involved in learning about the whole process from the design, creation and selling of products. Individuals also have the chance to learn and develop a diverse range of skills through the service’s five workshops – woodwork, crafts, glass, catering and bikes mechanics.” ( )

The unit recycles various materials; such as broken pallets, glass bottles and bicycles to produce an array of interesting quality items that can be purchased online or from its shop. ( )

The volunteers need not solely be students, but if you are a student then you would preferably be studying on a level three course, including A levels, and be over eighteen.  This type of voluntary work, apart from providing an immense amount of personal achievement, reads well on CVs for those building towards a career.  If you are successful in obtaining one of these limited highly rewarding voluntary positions with Bspoked,, because of the nature of the people you will be working with, the successful applicants would have to register with the Disclosure Barring Service and seek an enhanced DBS check, which Bspoked will help with.

If you think this could be for you, please contact:

Nicola Sampson

Rydym yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr addas i helpu i ddarparu arbenigedd cyfeillgar ym maes arlwyo, gwaith coed, gwaith gwydr ac atgyweirio beiciau i bobl ag anawsterau dysgu yn Bspoked. 

"Mae Bspoked Enterprises yn wasanaeth cyflogaeth a hyfforddiant i oedolion â phob math o anableddau. Mae Bspoked yn canolbwyntio ar yr hyn y mae gan bob unigolyn ddiddordeb ynddo a'r hyn yr hoffent ei gyflawni o'r gwasanaeth. Mae pawb yn cael y cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn dysgu am y broses gyfan o gynllunio, creu a gwerthu cynnyrch. Mae unigolion yn cael y cyfle hefyd i ddysgu a datblygu amrywiaeth o sgiliau drwy bum gweithdy'r gwasanaeth – gwaith coed, crefftau, gwydr, arlwyo a mecaneg beiciau." ( )

Mae'r uned yn ailgylchu deunyddiau amrywiol; megis paledi wedi torri, poteli gwydr a beiciau i gynhyrchu amrywiaeth o eitemau diddorol o safon y gellir eu prynu ar-lein neu o'i siop. ( )

Nid oes angen i bob gwirfoddolwr fod yn fyfyriwr, ond os ydych yn fyfyriwr byddech o ddewis yn astudio ar gwrs lefel tri, gan gynnwys safon U, a dros ddeunaw oed.  Mae'r math hwn o waith gwirfoddol, ar wahân i roi swm anferth o gyflawniad personol, yn edrych yn dda ar CV i'r rheini sy'n adeiladu tuag at yrfa.  Os ydych yn llwyddo i gael un o'r ychydig o'r swyddi gwirfoddol llawn boddhad hyn gyda Bspoked, oherwydd natur y bobl y byddwch yn gweithio gyda hwy, byddai'n rhaid i'r ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus gofrestru gyda'r Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd a chael gwiriad DBS manwl, y bydd Bspoked yn eich helpu chi i'w wneud.

最後修改: 2019年 04月 16日(週二) 10:42