ESW - Sgiliau Hanfodol Cymru

Essential Skills Wales is the new suite of skills qualifications which will replace the current Key Skills of Communication, Application of Number and ICT, and the Basic Skills of Adult Literacy, Adult Numeracy and Skills for Life ICT.

This new suite of skills qualifications will be implemented from September 2010. From that date, Key Skills and Basic Skills will no longer be available in Wales.

Essential Skills Wales is a suite of skills currently consisting of three different skills qualifications. In due course and following revision, the suite will also include the current Wider Key Skills of Improving Own Learning and Performance, Working with Others and Problem Solving. Qualifications are available from entry level 1 through to level 4 in:


Application of Number; and

Information Communication Technology.

At entry level, the nature of the assessment for the qualifications will be determined by the awarding body delivering the qualification. However, the assessment must meet the assessment outcomes. For levels 1 to 4, the qualifications will be assessed via a portfolio of evidence.

Each level of the skills incorporates and builds on previous levels, therefore for each skill, you can view the individual standards as well as progression grids.

最后修改: 2012年08月23日 星期四 15:40