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Android Tools & Apps

  • Android Tools & Apps

    There are numerous ways someone with a visual impairment can enhance their learning experience by using tools and free apps available in Android tablets.  Most modern tablets will have a forward facing and rear facing lens for the camera built into their tablet.  If a user selects the forward facing lens in camera mode and places the tablet about two inches above text then the tablet will magnify the text.  The user can also increase/decrease the magnification by using two fingers on the screen of the tablet and gesturing to expand or contract.

    If an Android tablet user accesses the settings of a tablet an Accessibility tab can be found, select.  This will give the user numerous options, some of which may benefit a user with a visual impairment.  Most tablets will allow the user to:

    • Use magnification gestures
    • Select large text
    • Speak a Password
    • Provide some for of text to speech output
    • There are numerous text to speech apps available from the Google Play online store.  The benefit of such apps is that large documents can now be read to an individual, which may alleviate any strain caused by reading such documents. Some of these apps rely on a good internet connection to work.  This link will take you to the Easy Text To Speech app download.  You may find this suitable or you may find one of the other numerous text to speech apps more suitable to your requirements.