- Teacher: Jessica Aitken
- Teacher: Concetta Zicchieri
- Teacher: Jessica Aitken
- Teacher: Jean Jones
- Teacher: Jane Proctor
- Teacher: Sharon Richards
- Teacher: Amy Rebecca Trott
- Teacher: Jessica Aitken
- Teacher: Charlotte Clark
- Teacher: Jane Proctor
- Teacher: Concetta Zicchieri
- Teacher: Jessica Aitken
- Teacher: Charlotte Clark
- Teacher: Jane Proctor
- Teacher: Concetta Zicchieri
- Teacher: Jessica Aitken
- Teacher: Karen Hall
- Teacher: Sharon Richards
Aim of the Module: To develop the students' understanding of the stages of the research process. Additionally it will aim to develop the students' skills in the use of Information Technology to search and access research literature. The module also provides the student with an understanding of the basic principles of resaerch methadology. The module will also facilitate the students' progression along the learning curve related to the intergration of research. To further develop the opportunnity for in-depth study of the process and skills required to competently critically analyse a research paper.
Learning Outcomes:
- Define and demonstrate an understanding of the research process as documented in a published resaerch paper.
- Critically discuss the resaerch process as documented in published resaerch paper.
Assessment: Report 50% 2000 words (outcome 1), Critique 50% 2000 words (outcome 2)
- Teacher: Jessica Aitken
- Teacher: Karen Hall
- Teacher: Sharon Richards
- Teacher: Concetta Zicchieri