课程: Student Union Elections 2023, Section: Why should I get involved in the Student Union? | Grŵp NPTC Group Moodle

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    Election results statement from the presiding officer- 22.11.2023.

    Good afternoon everyone, my name is Gemma Charnock.  I am Vice Principal: Corporate and Group Company Secretary at NPTC Group of Colleges.  I am also the presiding officer for the Student Union elections.

    The winning nominations in this year’s Student Union elections are as follows:


    Juris Pascual

    192 votes

    Vice President

    Anton Loaring

    218 votes

    HE Officer

    Sophia Rabaiotti

    211 votes

    Marketing Officer

    Alex Lewis

    221 votes

    Inclusion Officer

    Haiden Hogg

    180 votes

    Campus Officer: Neath

    Joshua Punchard

    198 votes


    We have already received expressions of interest for some of the vacant positions. These will be a priority for our new SU Exec Committee to consider, as well as further discussion to decide how any remaining positions that are currently vacant will be filled.

    Since the beginning of term, there have also been submissions for new societies and clubs.  These applications will also be put forward to the new committee at the earliest opportunity to be processed.  Officers will be contacted shortly to arrange the first meeting of the year.

    We are looking forward to an exciting programme of events and campaigns coming shortly that build on the success of last year’s committee who supported planned events for Young Carers Week, The Loud Festival, Festival of Wellbeing as well as championing Pride Month and VE Day.  The union also worked alongside NUS Wales to endorse issues important to the wider student community by authoring an amendment to challenge the government around student finance (EMA increase) and cost of living measures.

    Well done to all our candidates and for those who took the time to cast their vote.  I’m very excited to be working with them over the next year. 

    Thank you.

Why should I get involved in the Student Union?

  • Why should I get involved in the Student Union?

    • Make a difference to college life

    • Great experience to put on your CV and make you stand out from the crowd

    • Develop important life skills such as budgeting 

    • Develop workplace skills such as event planning and negotiating

    • Career networking opportunities 

    • Free training opportunities 

    • A supportive and encouraging environment to develop yourself

    • Have fun and meet like-minded people

    The Student Union gives you the opportunity to use your voice to improve college life for your fellow students - if you don’t speak up about what works and what doesn’t work, improvements can’t be made. The Student Union is also an opportunity to make friends and enjoy the diverse and vibrant college atmosphere.

    Student Union experience is an excellent way to develop your skills and enhance your CV, making you stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs. Not only will it enhance your CV and UCAS statement, it will also give you experience of managing budgets, being creative, showing determination, working to deadlines and running a campaign. You will meet new people and be part of project management, and learn new skills. The Student Union is supported by the Senior Student Involvement and Diversity Officer, who will work with you to provide you with the training and guidance you need to succeed.