Section: (2!) How to start a Blended Learning Course? | Blended Learning Competition '17 | Grŵp NPTC Group Moodle

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(2!) How to start a Blended Learning Course?

  • (2!) How to start a Blended Learning Course?

    You already know all about Blended Learning…

    See the content of the first three emails above!

    Blended Learning sounding interesting?

     It’s something that will be rolled out across the college very soon!
    An aspirational target for 2017/18 is that 100% of Level 3 courses,
    and 50% of Level 2, will have a Blended Learning Element!
    Blended Learning will be featured in the planned INSET day on 10th July.

    Plus, our Blended Learning Competition will officially be announced next week!

    Get ahead! Register your interest TODAY!

    Before you do….have a think about the following:

    Within which area or course do you want to start using Blended Learning?
    How will you use it with your students? Flipped learning? Homework? Complementary work?
    Do you want to concentrate on a particular Unit to start with? A topic? A project? An element that spreads across your entire course? A marketing idea? Chance a process for students completely?

     Once you have a few ideas, complete the following form, and a member of the ILT Team will get in touch with you to help get you started!

     Click here to register your interest!