A-Z Moodle Help!
Use this glossary to find answers to frequently asked questions about Moodle.
You can browse the glossary alphabetically or use the search function to find the answer you need.
If you cannot find the answer you need, please contact the ILT Team: ilt@nptcgroup.ac.uk
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
Archive a Course
How do I archive my moodle course?
To archive your moodle course:
Go to the Administration block within the course Click on edit settings Add the word Archived to the Title of the course Change the visible settings from "Show" to "Hide" Click Save and Display. | ||
Assignment - CreateHow do I add an assignment upload area to my course?
To add an assignment upload area: In your course, turn editing on. In a topic box, click on "Add an activity or resource". Choose Assignment and click Add. Complete the form fields for the assignment. Click save and return to course. | ||
C |
Completion Progress BlockWhat is the Completion Progress Block and how do I use it in my Moodle Course?*The Completion Progress Block is a new version of the Progress Bar that relies entirely on completion.
The Completion Progress Block is a time-management tool for students. It visually shows what activities/resources a student is supposed to interact with in a course. It is colour-coded so students can quickly see what they have and have not completed/viewed. The block relies on completion settings of activities/resources in the course and when they should be completed by. Ordering can be based on expected completion times or on the ordering of activities in the course. There is an Overview page allowing teachers to see the progress of all students in a class, which is helpful for finding students at risk.
Click here to learn how to add the completion progress block to your moodle courses.
Click here to learn how to set completion tracking for the activities in your moodle course. | ||
Completion TrackingHow do I track my learner's progress by using activity completion in my Moodle course?Activity completion or completion tracking, lets students see their progress through their Moodle course through the use of checkboxes on the side of activities. There are two types of checkboxes to help your students: dotted and solid. The boxes with dotted lines are automatically ticked when a student hits a certain criteria, such as completing a quiz. Whereas the boxes with solid lines can be clicked manually by students to display that they have completed the activity.
To set up activity completion within your Moodle course:
NB For other Activities such as Forums, there will be other completion criteria e.g. students must post a certain number of discussions or replies and the activity will only be marked complete when they have done that.
Click here to learn about the Completion Progress Block which you can add to your moodle course as a way for students to easily see their progress on the activities you have asked them to complete. | ||
Course - add new?How do I create a course on Moodle?
To request a new course on moodle please complete the Moodle Course Request Form on SharePoint. To find the form, please go to SharePoint, click on Functional Units, then Information & Learning Technology (ILT), and then click on Moodle Course request (Temporary link to the old form). | ||
Course - add TeacherHow do I add a Teacher to my course?
1. Click on users > enrolled users in the Administration box on the left. 2. Click on Enrol Users (button on the far right of the screen) 3. Change the Assign roles option to Teacher 4. Search for the Teacher name in the search box and click search. 5. Click enrol next to the Teacher name. 6. Click Finish enrolling users.
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Course - deleteHow do I delete a course on Moodle?
To delete a course on moodle please email the ILT Team at ilt@nptcgroup.ac.uk with the name and course ID number of the course you would like to be deleted. (You can find the course ID number at the end of the URL address when you are in the course on Moodle e.g.https://moodle.nptcgroup.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=1644 ) Please ensure that any other Teachers on the course have been informed and have confirmed that they are happy for the course to be deleted. | ||
Course - HiddenMy students can't find my courses - I can see my courses but my students can't?
All new courses on moodle are created as "hidden courses" i.e. not available to students. Courses which are not available are displayed as greyed out and therefore cannot be seen by students. (This is to prevent students searching for courses and discovering that they are empty.)
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Course - remove teacherI no longer teach on a course, how do I remove myself as a teacher?
To unenrol as a teacher on a course, go to the course Administration box then click on users > enrolled users then select the delete option next to your name on the far right. You can also remove other Teachers from a course using the same method outlined above - just select the delete option next to the Teacher name to remove that Teacher from the course. | ||
Course Description
How do I edit the course descriptions in the list of my courses on the Moodle dashboard? To edit the course description, open the course then click on edit settings (in the Administration Block Menu) and scroll down to Description. Make any changes you need to in the Description box then scroll down and click on Save and Display.
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Course Format
How do I change the way my course is displayed?In the course, click on edit settings. Scroll down to course format. Click on the format drop down menu. Select the format you would like. (Popular formats are collapsed topics and grid format*) Scroll down and click save and display. *Grid format displays your course as a series of box icons which the students then click on to navigate to different parts of your course. | ||
Course SharingThere are other staff enrolled as teachers on my courses and they have added course notes etc to my page - how do I add my own seperate content?
Different departments use different strategies for course sharing issues. You will need to seek advice from the Teaching & Learning Senior Lecturer for your department regarding this matter. | ||
Course titleThe title of my course is wrong - how can I change it?
To change a course title go to Administration then click on edit settings. Enter the new name for your course in the Course Full Name box AND the Course Short Name box (we recommend copying and pasting one to the other) then scroll down and save changes. | ||
D |
Documents - uploadingHow do I upload a document to my Moodle page?
The Easy Way!
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E |
Enrol - self enrolHow can students self-enrol on my course?To self-enrol on a course, students can: 1. Click on All Courses from the Moodle homepage and browse the available courses to find the course they need, then click on the course title and click on "enrol me". 2. Type the name of the course into the search box on the All Courses page to find the course they need then click on the course title and click on "enrol me". | ||
Enrol a StudentHow do I enrol a student on my course?
To enrol a student onto a course:
In the Administration box click on users > enrolled users > enrol users. Enter the name of the student in the search box - you may need to try different search options e.g. first name or surname only (depending on how unique they are!) - moodle will only return exact search results so if the student has a middle name which you have not entered the search will return no results. If, after trying these different options the search still returns no results please contact the ILT Team for help:ilt@nptcgroup.ac.uk | ||
Enrolment KeyMy students have found my course but they are not able to enrol on it?Some courses may have the group enrolment key option activated. To change this setting, go to the course Administration box then click on users > enrolment methods. In the edit column, click on the cog wheel to the right of Self enrolment (Student) then change the group enrolment key option from Yes to No and scroll down to save changes. | ||
Enrolment Key - add / editHow do I add/edit the enrolment key for my course?To edit/delete the enrolment key/password on a course:Go to the Administration box on the course page, then click users > enrolment methods. Click on the cog settings wheel to the right of self enrolment (student). You can now change the enrolment key and scroll down to save the changes. | ||
F |
FavouritesHow do I organise my courses into a list of Favourites?
Click on "My Courses" To the left of the course, you will see a slightly hidden "star" icon. Click on the star icon next to the course you want as a favourite. Use the Tabs at the top of the course list to switch between your favourites and the rest of your courses. To remove a course from your favourites list, simply click on the star icon to the left of the course again. The course will then be moved back into your main list of Courses. | ||
Feedback SurveyHow do I add a Feedback Survey to my course page?
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How do I create a Forum in my Moodle course?
The forum activity module enables participants to have asynchronous discussions i.e. discussions that take place over an extended period of time. There are several forum types to choose from, such as a standard forum where anyone can start a new discussion at any time; a forum where each student can post exactly one discussion; or a question and answer forum where students must first post before being able to view other students' posts. A teacher can allow files to be attached to forum posts. Attached images are displayed in the forum post. Participants can subscribe to a forum to receive notifications of new forum posts. A teacher can set the subscription mode to optional, forced or auto, or prevent subscription completely. If required, students can be blocked from posting more than a given number of posts in a given time period; this can prevent individuals from dominating discussions. Forum posts can be rated by teachers or students (peer evaluation). Ratings can be aggregated to form a final grade which is recorded in the gradebook. Forums have many uses, such as
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G |
How do I add a Glossary?
In your course, turn editing on. Click on Add an Activity or Resource. Choose Glossary. Click Add. Give your Glossary a name and a description if required. Click Save and Display to start editing your Glossary and adding items. Click Add new entry to add an item to the Glossary.
Glossaries have many uses, such as
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How do I create student groups in my moodle course?
You will now be able to view grade results for separate groups of students. To view the results:
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H |
Hyperlink - addHow do I add a hyperlink? (Create a link to a website from a piece of text)
For new content:
For existing content: 1. Go to the website page that you would like to link to and copy the website URL address at the top of the page. 2. With editing turned on, click on edit > edit settings next to the label text you would like to hyperlink. 3. Highlight the word that you would like to hyperlink 4. Click on the insert / edit link icon 5. Paste your copied web link into the Link URL box or type in the address for your web link. 6. Click on the Target drop down menu and choose "Open in new window" 7. Click insert, then save and return to course. | ||
Hyperlink - images
How do I add a hyperlink to an image?
1. Go to the website page that you would like to link to and copy the website URL address at the top of the page.
2. With editing turned on, click on edit > edit settings next to the picture you would like to hyperlink.
3. Click (or right click) on the picture to select it
4. Click on the insert / edit link icon
5. Paste your copied web link into the Link URL box or type in the address for your web link.
6. Click on the Target drop down menu and choose "Open in new window"
7. Click insert, then save and return to course. | ||
I |
Image - add textHow do I add text around an image on my course page?
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Image - resizeHow do I resize an image on my course page?
With editing turned on, click on edit > edit settings next to the image you would like to resize. Click (or right click) on the image to select it. Click the picture icon Click the Appearance Tab Change the number in the first dimension box (the second will change automatically) Click update Click save and return to course. | ||
Images - add to course pageHow do I add an image to my course page?
The Easy Way!
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L |
Leave a CourseHow do I leave a Moodle course that I no longer want to be a student or teacher on?To unenrol yourself from a course: Open the Moodle Course. If you are enrolled as a Student, choose the Unenrol option from the Edit Settings menu If you are enrolled as a Teacher, go into Users, find yourself on the list and press the X on the right next to your listing. | ||
M |
Move Topic BoxesHow do I move topic boxes within my Moodle Course?In your Moodle Course, turn editing on Click on the 3 dots to the right of the section Click on the "Move" option Choose where you would like the section to be in your Moodle Course | ||
Q |
QuestionnaireHow do I add a Questionnaire to my Moodle course?
In your Moodle course, turn editing on. Click on Add an Activity or Resource. Select Questionnaire from the list of Activities. Click Add. Give the Questionnaire a name and a description if required. (The description can contain instructions for the students for example). Check through the other settings and adjust / set as required. Click Save and Display to start adding questions to your questionnaire. Click Add questions. Choose the question type and click Add selected question type to begin adding questions to your questionnaire. To see a detailed demonstration of the above, including how to use the different question types available, please watch the following video clip
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QuizHow do I add a quiz to my Moodle course?The Quiz is a very powerful activity that can meet many teaching needs, from simple, multiple-choice knowledge tests to complex, self-assessment tasks with detailed feedback. Click here for a quick guide to get you started, or watch this video clip for an overview of using the Quiz activity in your moodle course. NB The video clip refers to the "gear icon" to access the Question Bank and Edit Quiz options within a course. In our Moodle, you will be able to access all of these functions under the Administration Block on the right. To access the Question Bank, you would click on Question Bank under the Administration block on the right To edit your quiz, click on Edit Quiz from the Administration Block on the right.
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Quiz Question Feedback
My students can't see my comments on their quiz question answers ...
To allow students to view feedback comments on Essay style quiz questions: Click "Review Options" in the edit settings area for the quiz Tick all of the boxes under the "Later, while the quiz is still open" option. You can also tick the options under the "After the quiz is closed" option if you want the students to still be able to view the feedback comments once the quiz has closed. | ||
T |
Text and Media Area - add to courseHow do I add a text and media area to my course?
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Topic Box TitlesHow do I add / change topic titles?
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Topic BoxesHow do I add more topic boxes to my course page?
To add topic boxes: | ||
Turnitin AssignmentHow do I add Turnitin Assignments to my course?For help and advice when adding Turnitin Assignments to your Moodle course, please contact Lynne Evans in the Library:libraries@nptcgroup.ac.uk / 01639 648601 | ||
U |
Users - DeleteHow do I delete users from my course?To remove participants / users from courses you will need to do the following: From the course page: Go to the Administration block on the left and click on: Users > Enrolled Users. There is a cross on the far right (under the Status Column) for each user. Click on this cross to delete the user from the course. | ||
Users - Delete AllHow do I delete ALL of the users on my course?
1. in the Administration block, click reset on your course page 2. Expand the section called roles 3. Click student and ensure it is highlighted 4. Scroll to the bottom and click reset course 5. Confirm ok continue to unenrol users 6. All students will now be unenrolled and deleted from the course. Please note - this action will apply to all users with the role "student" so if a teacher has joined the course as a student, they will also be deleted from the course during this process. | ||
V |
Video - embed from You TubeHow do I embed a You Tube video on my course page?
*You can change the size of the video on the course page by changing the dimension figures in the html code. NB You can also follow the instructions above to embed a video into a page resource in your moodle course.
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W |
Web Link - add a Web LinkHow do I add a web link to my course page?
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