
Aims of the Module: To explore the theories of addictions

Current Issues


  • To enable students to monitor current issues in support of substance misuers
  • To encourage students to maintain up to date knowledge
  • To encourage students to contribute to discussion on a range of issues relating to substance misuse
  • To discuss current developments in chosen areas of interest

interagency working


  • To introduce students to the agencies involved in aspects of substance misuse
  • To introduce the role those agencies play and the way they interact
  • To explore the relationship between statutory and voluntary organsiations



  • To introduce students to the theory underpinning reflective practice
  • To enable students to reflect on their own practice
  • To identify where relevant, student's experiences with  issues such as concepts of treatment, harm reduction, philosophies of treatment  delivery
  • Role profiling -reflect on and develop your practice
  • Make use of supervsion



  • To introduce students to the legislation and policies underpinning government led initiatives in relation to substance misuse
  • To enable students to identifdy how socio-economic factors influence policy development



  • Develop undertstanding of the stages of the research process
  • Develop skills in the use of IT to search and access research
  • Facilitate student's progression in understanding and working with research with practice